Showing posts with label Time and painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time and painting. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Time and painting

Sometimes some of us just don't feel like painting. This can be for several reasons. Could be boredom with the subject being painted, lack of inspiration, not enough time, fatigue, afraid of screwing up, etc. Most of these are excuses. You can do a lot of painting in just a half hour. That's all it takes, half hour. It takes that long to have a shower and get dressed or do the dishes or eat lunch or many other things. An artist should paint every day, not a lot, but some. I don't paint every day myself. But I know I should and a feeling of guilt gradually builds inside me if I don't paint for several days.

I come and go at my work. I seldom work longer than a half hour each time. That works for me. We all have our own comfort zone. Some people like to paint all day, or night.