Thursday, February 10, 2022

Why do we paint

There must be over a thousand reasons why we artists paint. Painting is not for the artist. It’s for the world to view, enjoy, record a moment in time, to ponder, dream, to send a message, a good feeling, relaxation or to just enhance a room’s decor. It’s more than just a pretty picture. It’s something different to every viewer and it’s a part of the artist that displays character and interests. Art for art’s sake is a window to the soul of the artist. It is the artist in a given period of time. Art comes from the soul.

There is a painting for every person and a painting for every subject. Art can heal and lift our spirits, not only for the painter but for the viewer. It can even relieve minor pain by taking our mind off ourselves. It’s great therapy as it creates a diversion from everyday life. Art, and the feeling it gives, is meant to be shared. It’s a way of communicating with the world. A picture is truly a thousand words.

Are artists born or made?

I think both are true but the artist born with a ‘gift’ has it easier than one who has to work at it. Both can be masters of the profession  in the end but like everything else we are born with certain talents unique to each individual.

As a hobby

Yes, it's good to have a hobby, something you have to think about and figure out. Puzzles do that and so does painting. These things take our minds off whatever is bothering us and make us feel good, really good if we succeed in our endeavors. Both are solitary hobbies, so they help us feel content and remove feelings of boredom or loneliness. Making art creates a diversion from everyday challenges and worries. A painting draws us in and becomes our world at each sitting.

As a business

That is a whole different and unique occupation. Paintings and artwork in general are difficult to sell. People may love the work but not enough to put out the money for it. Many artists have a second job or paint quick smaller paintings that can sell for a hundred dollars. These usually sell and are nicknamed ‘pot boilers’. They keep food on the table. There is an old saying, ‘an artist paints and starves’. So before you start a business doing art it’s wise to look down the road very carefully and talk to other artists first.

If you are good and can get commissions, there is a market for that. Portrait painting can be lucrative for the right painter. A portrait painter has to have a thick skin and expect criticism. The biggest reward is a client who becomes emotional over a portrait of a deceased loved one. I had that happen and it’s shocking. It took me two attempts to get it right before it was accepted. That’s two canvases. I used to paint posthumous portraits. Some were accepted, some were not. That’s why a portrait painter has to have a thick skin and carry on, not always 

being paid.

To tell a story

Some artists paint to tell a story. Again, a painting is a thousand words. This is especially evident in ‘genre painting’ which depicts people doing ordinary everyday things such as sitting at a table, doing laundry, washing a car, anything.

Plein air painting

For the artist who loves the outdoors, plein air painting is a great way to relax in solitude, observe nature and surroundings, sketch and paint. This can be a whole day’s outing in any weather. A plein air painter paints in any weather because that’s often where the best scenes display themselves. Fog, rain and snow make beautiful work. One famous Canadian artist even painted in the arctic, in oils of course. Acrylics would freeze. Being alone in the bush can be a fulfilling pastime where one can collect thoughts, paint and be apart from the rest of the world. Nature is the best teacher for the plein air painter. Everything is there. It just needs to be copied or rearranged. It requires exercise too in finding a site and setting up. It’s all good.

Pleasure, comfort and self-esteem

Painting and drawing provide pleasure, goals and a desire to do more and do better work. This counteracts negative feelings and emotions. The result is a feeling of well being and improved self-esteem.


Art can communicate thoughts and ideas, record history, spread religious beliefs and educate. It opens minds and encourages people to think beyond the norm. It can show pity and need for change in a beautiful way. It helps people see what they normally would overlook. Simple objects become powerful and are seen in a different light.

Drawing and painting

Paintings are for people to enjoy, like music and theater. They are not for the artist who is only the mediator between subject matter and viewers. That’s what painting is all about and a main reason to paint and display your work.

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